
查看进程的最常用命令,最常用的比如 ps -ef, ps aux

rss ,代表物理内存,pmem代表 物理内存百分比,

c     cmd          simple name of executable
C     pcpu         cpu utilization
f     flags        flags as in long format F field
g     pgrp         process group ID
G     tpgid        controlling tty process group ID
j     cutime       cumulative user time
J     cstime       cumulative system time
k     utime        user time
m     min_flt      number of minor page faults
M     maj_flt      number of major page faults
n     cmin_flt     cumulative minor page faults
N     cmaj_flt     cumulative major page faults
o     session      session ID
p     pid          process ID
P     ppid         parent process ID
r     rss          resident set size
R     resident     resident pages
s     size         memory size in kilobytes
S     share        amount of shared pages
t     tty          the device number of the controlling tty
T     start_time   time process was started
U     uid          user ID number
u     user         user name
v     vsize        total VM size in KiB
y     priority     kernel scheduling priority


查看最占用物理内存的前20个进程。 rss代表物理内存,args代表这条进程的内容,也就是命令,pid代表进程id,这里没写出来。

ps -eo rss,pmem,pcpu,vsize,args | sort -k 1 -r -n |head -20|nl


查看pid为 1005的进程

$ ps -f -p 1005